Investment & Portfolio Management


There are a vast and varied range of savings and investment options available to an investor these days therefore building an investment portfolio must take into account numerous factors. An investor must consider the appropriate tax allowances and opportunities that are available and their attitude towards risk and tolerance to loss and whether they require income or growth before they make any investment decisions.

We will complete a detailed personal review of an investor’s financial position and what their financial objectives and aspirations are, and we will assess these along with the factors above to enable a recommendation to be made to the most appropriate asset portfolio.

The value of a client’s investment can fall as well rise and a client may not get back what they originally invested. Wealth creation and preservation is an ongoing process and a client’s portfolio will need to be regularly reviewed to make sure that a client’s ongoing objectives are met.

The potential range of investments that a client may invest into to obtain growth or income include:

  • Individual Saving Accounts (either stocks and shares or Cash)
  • Investment Bonds
  • Income Bonds
  • Growth Bonds
  • With Profit Bonds
  • OEICs / Unit Trusts

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.